Inspiration for entrepreneurs, founders & icons who desire to enjoy a truly extraordinary life.

Brand Mastery, Storytelling, Message franki emblem Brand Mastery, Storytelling, Message franki emblem


Leverage the hidden power of storytelling to amplify the potency of your personal brand, your business and your messaging.

The necessity of STORYTELLING in your brand is the secret you’ve been longing to hear, the tipping point you’ve been searching for, the key to unlock your brand’s magnetism. I believe it is essential for attracting (and continuing to retain) your dream clients.

A true luxury brand EVOKES AN EMOTION from its admirers and certainly from detractors. We have FEELINGS about a luxury brand. We appreciate the STORY and the JOURNEY of its origins.

Why does this work? Because we connect with people, not brands. We are wired to connect with stories. We learn through storytelling. History (before it was written) was communicated through storytelling. Sharing. Thus, when it comes to the world’s most recognizable brand it is the STORY behind the brand that compel is to interact with it. We have FEELINGS about the brand itself which creates a desire to interact with and own the products. It is BECAUSE of the story that we covet the products. It is because of our feelings towards the brand that we want to own a piece of history. We want to somehow weave ourselves into their story and make it part of our own.

Think: Coco Chanel. We appreciate her complex history and her passionate pursuit of going against mainstream conformists. She was quite the rebel. Her desire to wear black at the time was in an of itself an attack on the norm. Her insistence on wearing pants was deemed unfeminine. And yet… today Chanel is the epitome of chic for many.

She made statements with her fashion. She evoked EMOTION from others with her choices. She innovated when what she longed to wear or use was not available. She embodied the spirit of freedom. She became an icon and wildly influential figure. Coco embraced her uniqueness, celebrated her authenticity and became a symbol of fashion freedom. Today, owning a Chanel is owning a piece of that story. It means weaving fashion history into your life. You are carrying on the mission for Coco with every bag, every shoe and every beautifully beaded bouclé jacket.

By owning a particular handbag, car or timepiece we believe we have now become a part of the brand story itself. And on some level, we have. We are carrying on the legacy.

Where is the lesson here for you? How does this apply to entrepreneurs, influencers, content creators and niche brands?

It’s simple: leverage the successful strategies employed by the world’s most renowned brands to create a strong connection with your clients. customers & your audience. Be bold. Open up. Be AUTHENTIC and let them resonate with the story of “you” and your journey to now,

Owning and SHARING your story holds tremendous power and yields unbelievable results. Evoking an EMOTION within your audience is the holy grail of building a following. It creates a connection between you and your audience - your clients, your fans, brands you wish to collaborate with, media, future clients and your following. This is the power of branding, and more importantly the value and importance of authentic, real, emotionally-compelling STORYTELLING.

So now it’s time to ask…

What is your origin story and how did you arrive at your current destination? WHY do you feel inspired to do what you do? What makes your story UNIQUE and thus makes YOU unique. Open up. Reveal your brand journey and offer us a glimpse into the inner workings of your world.

What’s your personal story? Tell your story. Create your BRAND STORY and infuse it with more of you. Evoke an EMOTION within us. We long to hear it and see beyond the surface.

xoxo -

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